Did you cry on your child's first day of kindergarten?

As I prepare to drop my 3rd child off for her first day of kindergarten this month, I realize I am going to get a little weepy at this milestone. I didn't cry when my first and second kids started kindergarten, but now that I know elementary school whizzes by in a flash, leaving lanky middle schoolers who are tall enough to look me square in the eye, well, forgive me for the waterworks!

Let us know how you handled this major milestone.

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  •   -   08/13/2018

    Only for my first one.

  •   -   08/10/2018

    I didn't cry when either of my kids went off to kindergarten but they were both excited to go so that probably helped. I think it will hit me more when my youngest is done with elementary school, knowing those days are gone and behind us.

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