AT HOME Arrow Right KIDS

At Home Activity Ideas for Kids


Help us build the ultimate collection of boredom-busting things for kids to do at home. Add your ideas to the lists below.

Fun Facts For Kids That Will Blow Their Minds

The Chinese soft-shelled turtle pees from its mouth.

Honey is the only food that never spoils.

Conversation Starters for Kids of All Ages

If you were an Olympic gold-medal athlete, which sporting event would you want it to be in?

How were you kind to someone today?

What activities help develop fine motor skills in kids?

Tearing paper - make collage art!

Thread penne pasta through a straw.

Exciting First Day of School Traditions

First day of school photos on our front steps, and couple more in front of the school too.

My husband and I will usually take the day off work (when we can) so we can be there for drop off and pick up on the first day, which makes it feel extra special for all of us.

142 Funny Jokes for Kids...Got One to Add?

What did the shark say when it ate the clown fish? Tastes funny.

Why does a duck have feathers? To cover his butt quack

What are your favorite inspirational quotes for kids?

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ~Maya Angelou

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. ~Wayne Gretzky

Disney Movie Quotes To Live By IRL

"When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing." – Frozen 2

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?" – Pirates of the Caribbean

Does your family have a last day of school tradition?

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What helps the school year go more smoothly?

The kids are responsible for getting their backpacks ready before going to bed, and making sure they have all their homework, books, permission slips, etc in there, and that it is zipped up and ready to just grab and go in the morning. We sometimes need to remind them to do this, but as it becomes part of the nighttime routine it gets easier and easier!

My boys pick out their clothes the night before, and always check what the weather will be like to plan for it, as well as if they have gym or not. It makes getting dressed in the morning much easier!

Who is looking forward to summer vacation more in your household?

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