Upparent Corner

Posting Guidelines

Upparent shares authentic recommendations and tips straight from our community of parents. We aim for user-submitted content on the site to be helpful, kind, and inclusive of a variety of perspectives. All content on Upparent is actively moderated with this in mind, including recommendations, reviews, polls, discussion questions and comments. 

User submissions are considered individually, but in general we remove or do not publish:

  • Content that is not family-focused or of interest to our audience of parents.
  • Recommendations that are not a good fit for the lists where they are submitted.
  • Recommendations that are very similar to something already on the list.
  • Recommendations that do not include a personal review or tip.
  • Recommendations with a conflict of interest, whether posted by the business itself, its current or former employees, public relations representatives, or a competitor.
  • Recommendations or reviews that appear fake or inauthentic.
  • Language or images that are inappropriate, vulgar or inflammatory.
  • Reviews or images that were copied from another website.
  • Comments that are or appear to be self-promotional or spam.

If you notice something on the site that violates these guidelines, please call it to our attention through the “report” feature in the menu on the upper right side of any recommendation.