What tips do you have to make the school year go smoothly?

Getting kids out the door and ready for school can sometimes feel like a herculean task. We want to know what tricks & tips have helped make it more manageable for your family!

Whether it’s preparing lunch the night before (or do the kids make their own school lunch?), organizing clothes a certain way, or tips for making homework easier, share your tried and true ideas for making the school year go a little more smoothly with your fellow parents below!

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  •   -   08/03/2021

    The kids are responsible for getting their backpacks ready before going to bed, and making sure they have all their homework, books, permission slips, etc in there, and that it is zipped up and ready to just grab and go in the morning. We sometimes need to remind them to do this, but as it becomes part of the nighttime routine it gets easier and easier!

  •   -   08/03/2021

    My boys pick out their clothes the night before, and always check what the weather will be like to plan for it, as well as if they have gym or not. It makes getting dressed in the morning much easier!

  •   -   08/03/2021

    My kids also charge up their chromebooks after school/after homework so they are packed up fully charged for the next day.

    •   -   08/03/2021

      It's so helpful to have a routine for this, my daughter would so often forget to charge hers!!

  •   -   08/03/2021

    Prepare lunches the night before. I have a fruit bowl and baskets with healthy snacks, so the kids can help prepare their lunches, too. If they help with preparation, they're more likely to eat it, too.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    I have my son put out his clothes for the next day the night before it makes it quicker in the morning to get ready for school.

  •   -   08/04/2021

    We like to make a weekly lunch menu. My son can then help making healthy choices to add to the menu. That way he knows what he's eating every day. My son doesn't like change, so this makes him less anxious about going to school.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    Start a routine a week before. In my house summer is a free for all. So, it is important we starr getting in better bedtime/wake up habits before the first day!

  •   -   08/03/2021

    Stock up on name labels! I love Mabel Labels for clothes, bentos, water bottles and masks.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    Start the bedtime routine a few weeks before school starts to get them back on a schedule

  •   -   08/03/2021

    My daughter's going into 1st grade, and at this point she still has a hard time remembering if she's supposed to give or turn in something to her teacher on a certain day. So anytime she needs to do this, I make sure she has it in her hands as she's walking into school.

    •   -   08/03/2021

      This is such a good idea for younger kids. My son would always forget to take things out of his backpack to hand in, so I'll be adopting this practice for sure once my younger ones are in school.

  •   -   08/04/2021

    At LEAST 30 minutes of preparation each night at the same time- laying out clothes and shoes, packing any book bags or gym bags, packing snacks or lunches, getting any papers signed or money collected for lunches or events- everything will flow more smoothly in the mornings.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    We have a charge station always set up. Everything (except mom and dad's phones) get plugged in there by 8pm. As kids get older I'm sure we will revisit that time.

    •   -   08/03/2021

      What a great way to always be sure devices are charged, plus set some limits on screen time and late-night communications...

  •   -   08/03/2021

    For us, it's all about snacks and backpacks. Everynight before bed, we check that their backpack is packed, ready to go. Lunches packed and in the fridge ready to grab. Healthy snacks are a priority since study show that snacking increases information retention. To be more eco-friendly we bought reuseable snack containers, our favorite are banana savers, they keep their bananas from getting crushed or bruised (increasing the likelyhood of them eating them). We make sure to pack at least 2 snacks in every backpack.

    •   -   08/03/2021

      Banana savers?!? I had never heard of this genius invention, and basically just gave up on sending bananas to school. Do the bananas go brown from being in there?

  •   -   08/03/2021

    My youngest son is not a great breakfast eater and doesn't like many breakfast foods. So he and I plan what he will eat for breakfast the night before so I can have it ready, because items like baked ziti and tuna hoagies are not uncommon for his breakfast!

  •   -   08/03/2021

    Before bed, we put shoes and coats near the door. Keeps us from losing precious time searching for that single mission shoe.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    I make a list of meal ideas for lunches. I scour fun kids food instagram pages for ideas so it is not the same old thing every day. I also buy fun things for lunch ahead of time (bento, silicone cups, crinkle cutters, food picks, lunch notes etc).

  •   -   08/03/2021

    shop early, pack bookbags school supplies ,bath at night wash up morning

  •   -   08/03/2021

    Run dishwasher when I go up to bed so I know there will be clean dishes for breakfast and that my smaller kids will be able to reach the needed dishes.

  •   -   08/04/2021

    We have a designated spot in the house for school library books to be kept so they don't get lost when they are at home. When the kids are finished reading the book, they go back to the spot and are ready for their weekly return date.

    •   -   08/05/2021

      Library bins are sooooo helpful! It’s crazy how easily library books seem to get lost otherwise.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    my granddaughter has her clothes picked out for the whole week its so easy like that then she has her bookbag ready next to the door with all her snacks me & her make her lunch put in the fridge and she put out a apple or banana on the table next to the door out the door we go its so much better like this stay safe all

  •   -   08/05/2021

    Due to Covid-19, we keep extra masks in the car.

    •   -   08/09/2021

      Yep! I put an extra one in their lunch box, too

    •   -   08/06/2021

      Same! I've also started keeping extras in my purse, and as school starts, their backpacks.

  •   -   11/02/2021

    I have a weekly calendar filled in with each kiddos specials and lessons. It is color coded for each child so she knows when she needs gym shoes or library vooks

  •   -   08/03/2021

    This will seem odd, but I always portioned school supplies. Took gallon size bags with 3 notebooks, a pack of pens, and pencils, and glue sticks in it. I usually made 12 and would give them one a month.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    I make lunches the night before. I set up the coffee machine so I just press on. I also have their clothes ready.

  •   -   08/04/2021

    We have a weekly dry erase calendar hanging by the door so everyone can easily check for after school activities, practices, social plans, appointments, etc each day as they come and go- everyone in the family is color coded so they can see their specific obligations easily.

  •   -   08/09/2021

    I always give the teacher a nice little gift for the first day! I plan it early so I am not last minute printing/shopping. One of my favorites is a printable that says "Welcome back to the grind" and I add a coffee gift card to it!

    •   -   08/09/2021

      What a cute idea! I love that, and I'm sure a coffee gift card always goes over well!

  •   -   08/10/2021

    Your attitude determines your child’s attitude. Try to keep things positive snd use this year as a learning experience and an opportunity to teach them flexibility! 💗

    •   -   08/10/2021

      I wish I could upvote this ten times! It is so true - in this and so many things, our kids learn so well from what they see us do and hear us say. Anytime I hear my preschooler repeat one of my random mannerisms or phrases, I am reminded of this very clearly - sometimes hilariously (or embarrassingly) so!

  •   -   08/05/2021

    I put items that we will need or use for the next day in the car the night before.( i.e. umbrella, hat, sports equipment, etc.) This allows us to be ready to go and not worry about leaving anything behind.

  •   -   08/22/2022

    Definitely packing lunch and laying clothes out the night before.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    The most important thing is to be organized and to also stick to a schedule during the school week. Getting to bed on time every night, preparing lunches the night before, selecting outfits the night before too.

  •   -   08/05/2021

    Routine, routine, routine, can't stress having a good routine enough to make the week go by smoothly!

  •   -   08/05/2021

    I always have the cups, plates, utensils and non refrigerated items on the table for breakfast the night before. It definitely saves some time in the morning.

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