At-Home Activities for Teens and Tweens

Parents with older children are sharing their ideas for the best activities for teens and tweens. Share your recommendations, too!

Our dynamic list includes a mix of simple activities teens can turn to when looking to fill some extra time at home, along with interesting hobbies for older kids.

Browse fellow parents' suggestions for the best things for teens to do when bored at home or on a rainy day, and be sure to share your experiences in the comments to help other families, too!

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    Listen to a Podcast

    Alexandra F.:  The explosion in popularity of podcasts means teens and tweens are sure to find one that fits their particular interests, and they are great for listening to while on walks around the neighborhood, working out, doing dishes and otherwise helping out around the house!

    Make a DIY Craft

    Alexandra F.:  Whether your teen (or tween) prefers jewelry, personalizing their room, or simply expressing themselves creatively through art, they are sure to find a DIY project they'll enjoy on our big list of craft ideas for teens.

    Learn a Card Trick

    Alexandra F.:  It's fun to have a trick or two up your sleeves to impress friends or family members, and this easy card trick does not require any sleight of hand or illusions, so total magic newbies can get it down with just a bit of practice. Best of all, it really is impressive!

    Do a Volunteer Project

    Shila:  Not only will your adolescents fill the hearts of others, it can fill their own, too. In addition, this experience could come in handy for a college essay or job interview. Teens can look for volunteer opportunities in their own community, such as visiting a nursing home or helping at a soup kitchen or shelter, and even explore ways of volunteering from home.

    Have a TV or Movie Marathon

    Shila:  TV offers a window of entertainment for all ages! Pick a weekend to enjoy a movie marathon (i.e., Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc.) or binge-watch an entire TV show season. Start by browsing parent-to-parent recommendations of TV shows to watch with your tweens and teens, then press play and enjoy! You can also divvy up the screen time by watching one or two episodes a night for a week to spread out the excitement.

    Cook a Meal

    Cooking is one of the most practical and best activities for teens and tweens! Teens can start with easy recipes that don't require any adult help or supervision, then move on to more advanced dishes as they progress in skills and confidence. Plenty of family-approved Crock Pot recipes require no stovetop flame at all.

    Practice Yoga

    Alexandra F.:  Yoga is a calming and centering activity for teens and tweens, and one easily done from home thanks to the many free yoga videos available online. If yoga doesn't interest your teen, there are lots of great (mostly free!) online workout videos that will help them stay active and fit, including pilates, kickboxing, dancing and more.

    Start a Book Club

    Alexandra F.:  Teens can gather a group of friends - or even family members! - and agree on a new book to read together. Book discussions can happen once everyone is done with the book, or every few chapters, and can be done over video chat if gathering in person is not possible or practical.

    Solve a Rubik's Cube

    Alexandra F.:  Though it seems like magic to me, thanks to my son I now know there are several algorithms you can learn to solve this classic 3D puzzle, as well as multiple versions of it beyond the traditional 3x3 cube. Teens and tweens can spend an afternoon or many learning these, or even trying to break their own records for how quickly they can solve it.

    Solve Riddles and Brain Teasers

    Alexandra F.:  Pull up a good list of riddles to keep teens and tweens thinking and problem solving. The TEDEd YouTube channel has some great - and difficult! - video riddles that my teen likes to tackle.

    Start a Business

    Shila:  Above making money from chores around the house, entrepreneurial teens will love pocketing profit from their own business ideas, products, and/or age-appropriate handy work.

    Camp in the Backyard

    Shila:  Pitch a tent in your backyard and encourage your older kids to enjoy an all-nighter under the stars. Enhance this "out wild" experience by bringing along flashlights, chill music, and a favorite book.

    Try your hand at some creative s'mores recipes that can be made over a firepit or inside an oven, too.

    Plan a (Virtual) Garage Sale

    Shila:  Invite your teen to plan a garage sale. It's more than a single-day event, the foundation of a good sale requires another few day's worth of pulling the right inventory from your home, advertising, setting up tables, and running a precise cash register.

    Other options to purging and reselling household items can include managing the job via social media like Facebook, reselling platforms like eBay, or approved online consignment sites like Poshmark (to name a few). Teens can manage the job safely by uploading photos and tracking the sale details online.

    Go for a Run

    Shila:  Even novice runners can set a goal and condition themselves by mastering small intervals at a time. For example, if your teen's goal is to run one mile non stop, she can aim for a quarter mile at first, then a half mile, then three-fourths of a mile and finally, the full mile. They will enjoy the runner's high and perhaps sleep better at night, too.

    Make a Playlist

    Shila:  If your teen is often clamped in headphones listening to the latest beats and pop hits, turn that musical passion into a plan! Encourage your child to make a playlist for themselves, for a friend or family member, or even for a party or travel. I know that I'd personally love if someone young and cool could make me new running playlists every month or so! ;)

Primary photo:   ao Truong on Unsplash

Upparent collects community-submitted recommendations and reviews, and any ideas that are shared reflect the opinions of individual contributors.