What do you pass out to trick or treaters on Halloween?

Halloween trick-or-treating is a fun tradition for us and I am assuming for many of you! I was curious what everyone passes out? My daughter was recently diagnosed with a tree nut allergy so I am looking for inspiration of what I can pass out that is allergy-friendly for most kids. What is your go-to trick-or-treat giveaway?

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  •   -   09/02/2018

    We started handing out snacks a few years ago (mini bags of pirate's bootie, muddy buddies, etc.) I was shocked at how excited kids were to get something other than candy. Plus, if we have leftovers, they go in the kids' lunch, and I'm not tempted to eat everything myself!

  •   -   09/04/2018

    We do candy but we also have a lot of kiddos with allergies in our neighborhood so we put out a teal pumpkin to let trick-or-treaters know that we also have non-food or candy items such as temporary tattoos, bubbles, pencils, halloween themed toys...I always find great deals and items like these at the halloween section at Target.

    •   -   09/04/2018

      What a great idea! I'm gonna do that this year!

      •   -   09/05/2018

        It’s a national campaign called The Teal Pumpkin Project. They hope to raise awareness for food allergies - heard about it a couple of years ago and we’ve been doing it every year since. www.foodallergy.org

  •   -   09/02/2018

    If I passed out anything too delicious, trust me, it'd be very difficult to resist eating it myself. So, I pass out lollipops. I don't care for them, but kids seem to & they are fine to "safely" keep in the house for months.

  •   -   09/04/2018

    I always feel guilty about buying candy, especially since the leftovers stay in the pantry! I want to move to handing out small toys instead.

  •   -   09/02/2018

    We stick with candy and I agree, I try to buy something I won’t eat before Halloween. I love that a lot of stores offer snacks now that are perfect for trick or treat. My kids love getting those too but candy is their favorite by far.

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