How do you find holiday gifts for those "hard to shop for recipients?"

The holidays stress me out a bit. We set aside money throughout the year and then create a holiday budget so it's really not the money part, but it is the gift giving! Like most parents, I find I have little time for holiday shopping so I like to make a list and get it done quickly. The issue? Those few people on my list who I never figure out what to get them. So where do you find holiday gift inspiration to make your holiday shopping easy?

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  •   -   11/06/2018

    For grownups, I usually pick a gift card that's somewhat generic, like a big store or even a Visa type gift card. For kids, I ask the parents!

  •   -   11/06/2018

    I am the worst at getting gifts. I hate doing gift cards, because when the other person does it back I feel like we're just trading the same thing back and forth. At the same time, whenever I try to guess while in the store, I feel like I'm totally off the mark. Charitable donations are nice & easy when the other person isn't expecting a physical gift. Oxfam and Heifer International make fun cards.

  •   -   11/07/2018

    I enjoy shopping for that perfect gift for someone but with kids my time to browse is definitely limited. The past few years I've gone to an independent gift/home store one afternoon in November to find unique gifts for those adults who are tough to buy for. If I can't find anything there then I default to gift cards or a donation in their name.

  •   -   11/07/2018

    I wish this wasn’t the case but my family has moved to mostly gift card exchane. Usually for my parents I pick out something I think they will like then supplement with a gift card. I do like picking out things for people, but like others mentioned it is very time consuming.

  •   -   11/08/2018

    I know that gift cards get a bad rap sometimes, and I can understand why for a few reasons. However, I enjoy receiving gift cards, so I don't have a problem gifting them as well. I think it's especially nice for a family on a budget. They can use it for a splurge item, or save it for time of the year when they are not receiving as many gifts gifts. In our family, that would be summer because of our string of fall and winter birthdays as well as Christmas!

  •   -   11/30/2018

    I can't stand the thought of spending money on something the other person may hate! I typically ask for a wishlist or at least an idea of what that person is interested in lately. If I'm still not sure, I opt for a gift card.

  •   -   12/14/2018

    I absolutely love shopping and finding the perfect gift, but it's extremely tough for my parents, who don't want "things" anymore, and for teenage relatives. Luckily. we mainly only buy presents for our immediate family and I can usually manage to find something unique for my parents. I switch off with photo gifts on the years that I'm not feeling inventive. For teens, I'm happy to give gift cards and know they're thrilled with them!

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