Do your kids join you for Black Friday in-store shopping?

It's the time of year when we get to take advantage of hot deals on Christmas gifts! But, are you one to brave the crowds to take advantage of those deals with kids in tow?

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  •   -   11/16/2018

    I'm afraid to do it by myself, let alone bring kids! haha but usually if I shop at all, it's online, so I guess technically my daughter is with me ;)

  •   -   11/16/2018

    If I shop Black Friday, which has really turned into a month or at least weekend full of sales, I am usually buying stuff for my kids so they couldn't be there. But even if I bought other items, my kids are difficult to shop with on a normal day, and really would not be good on Black Friday. I suspect they would last at one store, maybe.

  •   -   11/17/2018

    I'm scared to do Black Friday, too! I always do online shopping instead, and that way I avoid impulse buys, too.

  •   -   11/18/2018

    I feel like Black Friday is not what it used to be with the crazy crowds just on Friday. We have never taken our kids, but my husband and I have gone out. Now with so many offers online, it's so much easier.

  •   -   11/28/2018

    I worked retail in college, so Black Friday doesn't scare me! We stopped into Kohl's on a whim this year with our kids in tow, and my two year old started waving and saying hi to literally everyone we passed….so, approximately 2.5 million people. Ha! I hope he alleviated some stress, but most shoppers looked at him like he was crazy. Lighten up, people!! :)

  •   -   11/23/2019

    I don’t selfishly because they would get too tired or cranky too fast. And I do most of it online!

    •   -   11/24/2019

      Online shopping has been such a gift to busy families!!

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