Do you order a separate yearbook for each of your kids?

When your kids are in the same school, do you order each one their own (identical) yearbook, or do they share?

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  •   -   09/14/2018

    We get our kids separate year books because their schools have a big yearbook signing party on the last day of school. I also want them to have their own as a keepsake - I still have all of mine from elementary through high school and we all get a kick out of looking through them together!

    •   -   09/28/2018

      We used to sign ours in elementary school too. I’m surprised my kids don’t do that at their school.

  •   -   09/14/2018

    I'm not at this stage, so didn't realize this was a decision. My husband and I are pretty tired of lugging our own (many&large) yearbooks through multiple moves, so my initial response was "No way would I buy more than one", but the pro comments convinced me otherwise. Fundraising and the memories are important, especially when kids are young. Anyhow, there's probably a reason I can't bring myself to throw out my own...

  •   -   09/14/2018

    Yes we do. The reason being they all sign yearbooks at the end of the school year so I want them to be able to do this. It also raises money for the PTA which then helps off-set field trip costs. So I feel like I am getting my money back in the end.

  •   -   09/14/2018

    Last year I bought 1 yearbook for both kids. No one signed it. Since we are switching school districts next year, I will buy them their own. Definitely for high school, they will get their own, I feel those are most important, even though the elementary school yearbooks are cute to have.

    •   -   09/15/2018

      Having their own books from this year will be a nice memento of their soon-to-be former school. That's sweet of you to think ahead like that.

  •   -   09/15/2018

    I didn't even know elementary schools did yearbooks! My school, which my kids are now in, never did. I wish I had one for each of those years!

  •   -   09/28/2018

    I buy separate for my kids because some day they’ll be adults and may want to have their own to look back on. I love digging my old ones out still.

  •   -   08/03/2021

    My kids' elementary school spends a lot of the last few days signing yearbooks. I often wonder how the kids feel who don't purchase one. We get one for each child.

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