As a parent, do you feel more relaxed or stressed during the holidays?

As parents, it's tough to truly relax any time--but how do you feel about the holiday season? Is it a relaxing time to share with family and friends, or are you going crazy trying to get everything done (and get everything wrapped!) on time?

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  •   -   12/10/2018

    This could definitely change as I have older kids (and have more gifts to worry about), but I just love Christmas time so much that I'm usually in a much better mood during the holidays!

  •   -   12/14/2018

    Definitely more stressed between the gifts and the cost of them and hosting Christmas dinner we always have a lot going on it can be very stressful.

  •   -   12/20/2018

    Definitely more stressed with all of the gifts - both personal and for teachers and other workers - but I still love the season!

  •   -   12/14/2018

    I want to enjoy the season but making everything magical is hard work! With the gift getting, the decorating, the school celebrations and taking the kids to holiday events the season flies by and I'm wiped out before I can enjoy it.

    •   -   12/17/2018

      Yes! I definitely agree with this.

  •   -   12/11/2018

    I feel like there’s always so much to get done during the holidays that I definitely find it more stressful. I love the season though and am sad when it’s over so I guess I’ll deal with the stress.

  •   -   01/22/2021

    I feel like our extended families want to spend all the time together in December. Every event is a time I worry about clothes for the kids to wear and gifts for the hosts. We love our traditions but those are sometimes forced as we try to rush to fit it all in!

  •   -   12/18/2018

    Holiday give me hives! Maybe not literally, but there are so many things to get done in a short amount of time. I love the holidays, but I need to do a better job of planning ahead.

  •   -   12/31/2018

    I love having little kids at Christmas time! They are just so sweet and excited! I wouldn't say I'm more stressed, but maybe more tired. I try to spread the gift buying out throughout the months before Christmas, so that probably helps with the stress levels!

  •   -   12/24/2018

    The holidays are definitely a stressful time. There is so much to get done in a short period of time but I still enjoy the season and try to stop and savor some of it.

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