Favorite conversation starters for kids?

As any parent knows, the inevitable response to "how was your day?" will always be "fine," so if you are looking to engage your child in actual conversation it's a good idea to have some fun conversation starters up your sleeve to get things rolling!

We're collecting the ultimate list of best conversation starters for kids, so if you have any go-to family dinner questions that get the whole family talking and sharing, please add them below!

And, be sure to also check out and add to our list of "would you rather" questions for extra inspiration!

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  •   -   07/08/2019

    How were you kind to someone today?

  •   -   06/29/2019

    If you were an Olympic gold-medal athlete, which sporting event would you want it to be in?

  •   -   06/27/2019

    If you could have any super power, what would it be, and why?

  •   -   07/16/2019

    If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

  •   -   07/08/2019

    If you could be any age for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    What is your favorite tradition in our family?

  •   -   07/16/2019

    What do you think mommy or daddy do at work?

    •   -   07/16/2019

      Oh my goodness, I've never thought of this one and am guessing it would be HILARIOUS! Will be asking it tonight for sure :)

  •   -   09/10/2019

    If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would you go and why?

  •   -   06/27/2019

    If you could invite any fictional character from a book, movie or TV show over for dinner, who would you choose, and why?

  •   -   07/16/2019

    If you could trade places with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

  •   -   06/29/2019

    What would your future dream house look like? What type of features would it have?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    What was the best part of your day?

    •   -   01/15/2020

      I love this! What a great way to help encourage positivity and gratitude!

    •   -   01/15/2020

      I love this one, too. Works much better to get my kids thinking about their day and talking than simply asking, "How was your day?"

  •   -   06/27/2019

    If you could time travel to any point in the past, what time period (or event) would you choose?

  •   -   07/08/2019

    If you could be any animal, what would you choose?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you had $1,000,000 to give away, what would you do with it?

    •   -   01/15/2020

      Ooooh, what a great twist on the favorite “winning the lottery” question!

  •   -   09/10/2019

    If you could have three wishes what would they be? And one can not be to have more wishes.

  •   -   01/15/2020

    What do you like best about your sibling?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you could only celebrate one holiday, which one would you pick?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you could make up your own new holiday, what would it be called?

    •   -   01/15/2020

      Ha, this will be good for some laughs!

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you could make a rule that everyone had to follow for one whole day, what would it be?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you could magically trade places with a character in any book, which book and character would you choose?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you were moving to a new home and could only bring one thing with you, what would you choose?

  •   -   05/01/2020

    Te me something your looking forward to doing today or in the future.

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you could swim in a pool filled with food, what food would you choose?

  •   -   01/15/2020

    If you wrote a book, what would it be about?

  •   -   03/29/2020

    If you opened a store, what would you sell?

  •   -   05/01/2020

    Ask about which movie was their favorite movie that we watch together As family

  •   -   09/07/2020

    Which actor would play you in a movie about your life? How would you cast the rest of the family?

  •   -   09/24/2021

    If you could ban one vegetable from the house, which would you pick?

  •   -   09/24/2021

    What are three things you are really good at? What is something each person in our family is good at?

  •   -   09/24/2021

    If you could play any character in a movie or TV show, who would you pick?

  •   -   09/24/2021

    What made you laugh this week?

  •   -   09/07/2020

    If you had a theme song, what would it be?

  •   -   03/29/2020

    How do you think you'd be different if you were born in [name a country]?

  •   -   03/29/2020

    Is it better or worse to be really hot or really cold?

  •   -   03/29/2020

    What are your favorite names? / Names for future kids?

What would you like to know?

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