What is the best day and time for a child's birthday party?
It seems like my kids get invited to a classmate's or friend's birthday party every weekend these days. Sometimes it's hard to fit attending a party in with their weekend sports, practices and other social commitments. I don't think we are the only ones facing this dilema because we're noticing some parties hosted at times other than the typical Saturday afternoon time slots lately. What do you think is the best time to have a child's birthday party?
Saturdays are generally best for us, but I prefer mornings for toddler birthdays (keep them short and sweet before nap time) and afternoon for older kids.
I think Sunday afternoons work best for us because my kids typically don't have sports on Sundays like they do on Saturdays and a lot of people seem to be free on Sunday afternoons.
For our family, Sunday afternoons seem to be when the most people are available, but I prefer Saturday afternoons so that we have the rest of the weekend to recover!