Parents, does your child's school build in snow days?

My children's school district does not build in snow days to the school calendar, yet every year we have multiple snow days that cause the kids to go to school late into June. I am curious if other school districts build in snow days or not.

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  •   -   01/09/2019

    We intend to homeschool, and I absolutely plan to allow snow days to be school holidays! One of the perks of not being tied to a district schedule :)

  •   -   12/28/2018

    No, but I really wish we would! We always end up with a few snow days (last year was 8 - terrible) and it makes it harder to plan for child care in that time between school ends and camp begins.

  •   -   12/28/2018

    Yep, we already have one!

  •   -   12/31/2018

    My son's school has a few scheduled days off in the spring that are listed as possible snow day make-up days, if necessary. So, if they have a snow day, they lose these days off later.

  •   -   01/25/2019

    Built in snow days are a must living in New England. At least we have a better idea of when school will let out for planning purposes. We luckily haven't had to use any yet this year but the last few years we've been inundated with snow days particularly in the February/March time frame so I'm not getting too excited about getting out earlier in June just yet!

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