How much do you spend on holiday gifts?

Tis the season for overspending! With four kids and tons of nieces and nephews I have a lot of gifts to buy but a lot of ways to save money, too. How much do you spend on holiday gifts?

0 /750
  •   -   12/07/2018

    For everyone all together, I aim for about 300 to 400--and even saying that sounds excessive to me, but I have a lot of friends (both moms and kids) to buy for, plus my own two and grandparents, etc.

    •   -   12/10/2018

      It sounded like a lot to me too, but when you add up so many people it really does end up costing more than I realized!

  •   -   12/09/2018

    I try to keep my spending to $300-$400 including kids, family, teachers and anyone else I need to buy for. I end up making some gifts too, which sounds like it should be less but buying the supplies and ingredients sometimes costs more!

    •   -   12/14/2018

      I feel like so often I'm better off buying than making because if I make it I'll spend more on the supplies!

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