How do you feel about hand-me-downs?

Clothing is not only expensive for kids these days, but some kids don't care at all what they wear, while others have their own sense of style. This makes hand-me-downs both very welcome and tricky to navigate!

So how do you (and your kids) feel about hand-me-downs from friends or extended family? Share in the comments!

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  •   -   12/18/2018

    A friend just offered us some hand-me-downs for my younger son, and it got me thinking; some parents really don't like them! We love hand-me-downs, and anything we can't use gets passed to someone else.

  •   -   12/18/2018

    If someone is going to give me free clothes, I will gladly accept them! I do the same with ours. However, after going through three girls some clothes are not in the best shape.

  •   -   12/18/2018

    I love hand me downs and second hand shops. There is nothing wrong with hand me downs for shirts, pants, jackets and pajamas for my two boys who usually destroy clothing pretty quickly. Since they were babies, I buy most clothes second hand.

  •   -   12/18/2018

    I can't imagine NOT loving hand me downs. My cousin gave me more clothes for my baby girl than we knew what to do with- she ended up having a new outfit for every day for most of her first year of life! What we decided not to keep for next kids went to Goodwill!

  •   -   12/19/2018

    I have a pretty sweet system going with my sisters and best friend. We pass our boy/girl's outgrown clothing from kid to kid. Some of the clothes my older son wore were passed down through 3 boys before coming back to us for my younger son! Of course, not all the clothes make it - we toss and add things as needed. It has saved us all a ton of money and time. I love hand-me-downs!

    •   -   12/19/2018

      It's a feel-good accomplishment to pass a hand-me-down to another family. It also proves that some brands are worth the money.

      •   -   12/22/2018

        Yes, for what it's worth I've noticed that Carter's and Gap clothing, in particular, has stood the test of time and go through multiple kids really well.

  •   -   12/19/2018

    Kids grow out of clothes super fast and I am grateful for all of the hand-me-downs people gave me. I didn't have to buy my older son a winter coat until he was 6 because we were given great quality hand-me-downs.

  •   -   12/22/2018

    We are fortunate to have a LOT of boys in my family so I have gladly accepted hand me downs for my two boys. I have found that as my oldest has gotten older he is more picky about used clothes and won’t wear them anymore. My younger guy doesn’t care though. Unfortunately not as many girls in my family so I am buying mostly new for my daughter.

  •   -   12/24/2018

    Luckily having two boys we can pass down clothes from the older one to the younger. I was thrilled to have a friend who would pass on all of her boys' clothes to us and I passed them along to another family when we were done. This was especially great with baby and toddler clothes since they grow out of them so quickly. Now that they're older I find pants especially might not survive after one kid but the tops usually do.

  •   -   12/29/2018

    I definitely appreciate hand-me-downs for my kiddos. Kids outgrow their clothes so quickly that most hand-me-downs that we have received are still in pretty good shape. It certainly helps to save money, and also helps to justify the occasional splurge outfit (especially for my girls!).

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