Do your kids "Boo" their friends?

I am curious if this happens in your neighborhood. In ours, school friends leave little bags of candy and other treats at each others doors. They ring the doorbells (usually evening or early morning) and leave the gifts before a person has a chance to answer the door. So you don't know who has booed you. So does your family do boo gifts around Halloween?

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  •   -   10/19/2018

    This is adorable! I love the idea. Someday when we live in a neighborhood with more kids I'd love to start this tradition!

  •   -   10/19/2018

    This sounds fun and I've never heard of it! I'm sure that kids get a kick out of trying to figure out where the candy is from and if their friends figure it out too!

    •   -   10/19/2018

      It is actually a ton of fun! I think we are going to do ours tonight. The kids love trying to reach the car door before the house door swings open!

      •   -   10/19/2018

        We love this tradition! We did ours this week...the kids had so much fun "hiding" and watching the reactions of their friends. We decided we were going to get some more stuff and boo some more friends this weekend too!

  •   -   10/20/2018

    Someone in our neighborhood Boo’d us last year and the kids loved it! It was more like a family Boo with goodies the whole family could enjoy. We, of course, continued and Boo’d two other neighbors but unfortunately I didn’t see it really take off in our neighborhood. We don’t have too many kids so maybe that’s why.

  •   -   10/23/2018

    I'd never heard of this, but it's a super festive and cute idea! Maybe I'll add it to our Halloween plans to mix things up this year!

    •   -   10/24/2018

      We found it helpful to include a "We've been boo'd" sign that the recipient can hang on their door or front window so they don't continue to get boo'd over and over again :)

      •   -   10/24/2018

        Yes you can print them out for free on Pinterest.

  •   -   10/21/2018

    I've never heard of this, but it's the cutest thing ever! Maybe I'll have to start the tradition here.

  •   -   10/29/2018

    I have never heard of this but it sounds like so much fun! I bet my kiddos would love it!

  •   -   11/03/2018

    We got Boo'd the night before Halloween and my kids were out of their mind excited. They didn't know about it before then and are still so curious who did it. We still don't know! They are dying to boo friends now so we may do a Thanksgiving version. I'll try to turn into some lesson in the spirit of giving and paying it forward, hehe.

    •   -   11/03/2018

      Wow interesting. Never thought about a Thanksgiving version! Good idea!

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