What was your baby's first solid food?

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  •   -   05/13/2019


  •   -   05/16/2019

    Sweet Potatoes

  •   -   04/16/2019


    •   -   04/16/2019

      I think avocado was food #2 for my second kid. She still loves it to this day!

      •   -   04/16/2019

        I figured, who doesn’t love avocado???

        •   -   04/16/2019

          Seriously! Though I was a picky eater as a kid and didn’t like it until I was older. Part of the reason I’m trying to expose my kids to a big variety!

  •   -   04/16/2019

    Baby oatmeal

  •   -   05/24/2019

    Peanut butter and I am glad I introduced it early. It was adviced by our doctor to do so to prevent peanut allergies. I wish I had also given something like almond butter to prevent tree nut allergies as we now have a tree nut allergy for our middle child.

    •   -   05/24/2019

      Alas, we introduced peanut butter early with our third child, also at our doctor's recommendation, and sadly he is the only one of the three with a (severe) peanut allergy. It's so hard to know how to handle allergenic foods when the advice seems to change every few years!

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