What phonics books/early reader sets helped your little one learn to read?

Phonics and early reader book sets can be an invaluable tool as your little one begins to read. What phonics/early reader sets worked for your child?

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  •   -   10/04/2018

    Is Hooked on Phonics not a thing anymore? I'll never forget those commercials! ;)

    •   -   10/05/2018

      Right?! That' commercial is from when we were kids, no? I think it's been replaced in popularity by Jolly Phonics but maybe I'm wrong.

  •   -   10/05/2018

    All three of mine loved the Bob books. Those goofy little pictures and silly stories were addicting. My daughter also learned to read with the Dick and Jane book that my mother-in-law read when she was little. The repetition is great for early readers!

    •   -   10/05/2018

      Yes, I find repetition is helpful for sight words for sure! Thanks for the Dick and Jane tip!

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