What is your favorite thing to do when your child is napping?

Nap time is precious and even though it may be only an hour or two, it gives moms and dads much needed downtime. How do you choose to use those sacred quiet minutes during your day?

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  •   -   02/03/2018

    Oh how I miss nap time (for my kids, that is, not me)! I would usually get dinner started and prepped when they were sleeping to make the "witching hour" go much smoother.

  •   -   02/03/2018

    I would use that as my workout time. We have an ellptical machince so it was easy to hear when they would wake back up. Although none of my kids napped past aged 2!

  •   -   04/27/2018

    I used to mainly use nap time to catch up on chores and get things organized. However, these days, quiet and free time seems to be a rare occurring occasion. So I often find myself either catching up on emails and work or taking half an hour to strictly enjoy quiet and a much needed WARM cup of coffee... even if laundry is going to take double time when the kids are "helping", this mama is so much in need for her quiet peaceful time to recharge

    •   -   09/27/2018

      I miss nap time! I typically spent it doing work/chores, but my FAVORITE nap times were the ones where my daughter fell asleep in the car and I dropped my plans to drink coffee in a drive-through parking lot while zoning out on my phone.

  •   -   02/03/2018

    The opportunities expanded over the years. But mainly, I recall nap time always allowed me to eat in peace!

  •   -   02/02/2018

    What I did most days was dictated by how hard or not the day was, but when the kids were still up nursing in the night, I usually slept too.

  •   -   02/02/2018

    I always wanted to get stuff done when the kids were napping. I can't relax when I have the daily chores hanging over my head. I definitely didn't do work during every nap; I took my fair share of naps too!

    • Anonymous
        -   04/02/2018

      Same here, Amanda! Instead of sitting down and taking a breather, I find myself using nap time to catch up on laundry, picking up a few things around the house, or meal prepping, but there were some nap times where I used that time to catch up on some zzz's, too.

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