What is Your Favorite Splurge Beauty Treatment?

Being a parent is a busy job and I don't have time to splurge often on beauty treatments. But I'm curious of everyone's favorite when they do get time to pamper themselves at a salon.

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  •   -   01/15/2019

    Although I don't do it often, a good pedicure is my go to, especially at the start of summer!

  •   -   01/15/2019

    If I could get a massage every single day I would do it. I always ask for a gift certificate for my birthday!

    •   -   01/15/2019

      I hear you on that! I carry stress and tension in my neck and shoulders and a massage works like magic!

  •   -   01/15/2019

    Massages are amazing, especially because it's uninterrupted time where you can literally lie down for a bit!

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