What is you family's favorite season?

My family is really excited that summer is right around the corner. We love the long days, slower schedules, grilling out, hiking, pool, playing baseball and going on vacation to visit family and the beach. What is your family's favorite season and why? Explain in the comments below.

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  •   -   05/23/2018

    Nothing like time outdoors, and plenty of sunshine! Summer for us, all the way!

  •   -   05/23/2018

    We spend a lot of our summer on a lake in northern Michigan - it's our favorite place! So our family counts down the days until we can be there enjoying the outdoors!

  •   -   05/23/2018

    Fall in New England is gorgeous and takes a close second, but after suffering through the bitter cold of winter and a typically soggy cool spring nothing beats the sunshine and outdoor fun of summer.

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