How do you get a toddler to brush their teeth?

Toddlers are so strong-willed, and this is especially apparent whenever you try to get them to do something they really need to do, like brushing teeth! Whether they want to only do it themselves or refuse to open their mouths altogether, it can sometimes be a monumental struggle to get those tiny pearly whites clean! What are your best tips for getting a toddler to brush teeth?

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  •   -   08/20/2019

    As our toddler is learning to count (and taking great pride in it!) we've found counting to be a great way for him to allow us to brush his teeth - after he's "brushed" them himself, of course. As long as we are only brushing for a previously agreed-upon length of time, and counting that time out loud, then he is usually fairly good at letting us brush his teeth while we count.

  •   -   09/04/2019

    We bought one of those timers for brushing teeth with the sand in it. My daughter liked being in charge as most toddlers do and turning it over to start the timer. It made a game out of it, which she liked.

    •   -   09/04/2019

      Great idea!! Those timers are intriguing for most kids (um, and me too!), I can see this being extra fun for toddlers!

  •   -   08/13/2019

    You could try brushing your own teeth together with your child, to demonstrate good behavior and get him to mirror you.

    •   -   08/20/2019

      Our very independent and stubborn toddler loves to do everything himself, so this is definitely a helpful tactic! Of course, getting him to hand over the toothbrush so we can "help" him finish up is another matter.

      •   -   08/21/2019

        Let him finish up your teeth after you finish his!

        •   -   08/21/2019

          Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't...toddlers! :) :) :)

  •   -   08/13/2019

    My kids had fun picking out their own toothbrush at that age. It took FOREVER for them to choose at the store, but I think it made the act of brushing their teeth a little more fun when they were able to use something they had chosen themselves.

  •   -   09/08/2020

    Lately, I’ve been asking my toddler to pick a song for me to sing, and he’ll let me brush the entire time I sing it!

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