Does your family eat leftovers?

I don't know about you, but it gets difficult meal planning each week when my husband and kids do not eat leftovers. I, on the other hand, love eating leftovers for lunches during the week, but can't get the rest of the family to do so. I have heard of several families who plan a "leftovers" night into their weekly meal plan and think what a great idea this is. So, does your family eat leftovers?

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  •   -   01/23/2019

    My husband and I usually eat leftovers from dinner for lunches the following day. I much prefer to have leftovers to heat up than making a sandwich or something else for lunch.

  •   -   01/23/2019

    Yes. Every Sunday we bake salmon for dinner. The purposeful leftovers mix into scrambled eggs the next 2-3 mornings for a hardy before-school breakfast.

  •   -   01/23/2019

    We love leftovers too. It is easier for me to cook more at one time and then reheat it a day or two later. It makes for an easy lunch also to open the fridge and presto, a meal is already there!

    •   -   02/06/2019

      Same here. I don't have the energy or time to cook every night, so I love having leftovers to pull from several nights a week.

  •   -   01/23/2019

    Yes all the time! I try to only cook a few large meals throughout the week and eat leftovers on days when I am too busy to cook. It saves me time and on my grocery budget. Plus I have younger kids so maybe when they are teenagers I will have to switch up my strategy.

    •   -   01/23/2019

      Exactly! Though my kids don't love leftovers, they know to expect them at least a couple of times over the week, to save on active cooking time!

    •   -   01/23/2019

      I am jealous! Cooking 5-6 meals per week is exhausting!

  •   -   01/24/2019

    My family usually does intentional leftovers--there's nothing like a big pot of soup or spaghetti to last a few days and fill hungry tummies at lunchtime.

  •   -   01/28/2019

    I don't mind leftovers at all because I love not having to make dinner! My husband however, does not, so I usually eat them for lunch and sometimes my daughter will, too!

  •   -   02/06/2019

    I love to cook enough to have leftovers and skip cooking dinner the next day. It feels like a mini vacation to come home from work and dinner is practically made already!

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