COVID-19: Family Quarantine Silver Linings

Let's begin a positive thread of silver linings thanks to social distancing and COVID-19 home quarantine. In an effort to bring some joy and encouragement, what silver linings have you discovered in your family's home? We'll start the list...

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  •   -   04/14/2020

    I have loved seeing neighbors out walking (at a safe distance!) so much more than I ever have before.

  •   -   04/29/2020

    The beautiful silver lining I have noticed in my home is the beautiful STRONGER bond between my 8 yr old daughter and 6 yr old son.. watching them play together and discuss things together just melts my heart.. and I’m thankful for the slower pace to notice all the little things in life..

    •   -   04/29/2020

      Yes, this exactly! It’s been really cool to see my kids hanging out so much, and even discovering new interests and hobbies together.

    •   -   05/07/2020

      I have the same-aged children and I agree. I'm so surprised to watch them grow their sibling bond. They have back-to-back sleepovers with each other in our basement every weekend. You should try it too!

  •   -   04/14/2020

    My tweens have become my new running partners! I love the added bonding time - and the extra accountability! :)

  •   -   04/29/2020

    More quality time together. There is no rush because there is no where to go.

    •   -   04/29/2020

      I think that's what I will miss the most when life gets back to normal. I do love the feeling that there is nothing else that we need to be doing other than just being with each other.

    •   -   05/07/2020

      I thought that life was moving too fast, too. There were too many activities, errands, pop-in conversations, play dates, carpools, birthday parties, etc. to juggle. With many of that paused, all that remains is us in a quiet home! And that's been great.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    Given that school, activities, playdates, etc., are currently closed, it's been nice to slow everything down and not feel the added weight behind watching your kids "grow up too fast." It's almost as if we're freezing their ages for a brief moment.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    I am learning more about my kids since we are talking more daily.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    We are all learning to slow down a bit and take our time. The kids are more focused on school and work for us has become even more focused as well with less distractions.

    •   -   04/14/2020

      Yes, I completely agree! Even though it has been challenging to adjust to e-learning, working from home, and always being together in a small space, I have been surprised to find that I am doing a much better job of focusing my time and being intentional with all my tasks.

    •   -   04/14/2020

      Yes, I have become much better at avoiding multitasking and rarely have the feeling that I need to be doing something more.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    I am cooking dinner WITH my kids more often. We have tried so many new and easy dessert recipes for kids too. The kids are learning valuable cooking skills.

    •   -   04/14/2020

      So true! I am having my kids join me in preparing meals (and coaching them in preparing their own) much more than before.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    My husband no longer teases me over my excessive wear of stay-at-home yoga pants (aka "daytime pajamas"), and has even become a co-champion of athleisure.

  •   -   04/14/2020

    Our mornings are so much more relaxed than they have ever been.

    •   -   04/16/2020

      I agree. I love letting the kids sleep in and not rush to catch a bus to school. They eat when they are hungry instead of rushing to eat before the bus comes.

      •   -   04/16/2020

        Yes, exactly! And, since we have more time, they are taking a bigger part in getting their breakfasts ready, too.

  •   -   05/13/2020

    My 12 year old boy/girl twins and high school senior daughter are playing board games, sharing “memes” and getting along better than they ever have before!

    •   -   05/13/2020

      Sharing memes, haha! I love that sharing memes is what "quarantweens and teens" do to bond this day in age. Laughter is key! Their memories together will be priceless.

    •   -   05/13/2020

      Totally, it’s been so neat to see my kids figure out new ways to hang and spend time to together!

  •   -   04/13/2020

    It has made us appreciate family and friends way more. We have all made a better effort to call or text and check-in with loved ones.

    •   -   04/14/2020

      I do hope this is one aspect that sticks with us beyond this time...especially the regular video chats with multiple family members.

  •   -   05/14/2020

    During this pandemic I have enjoyed spending more time with family playing outdoors. In the past we’ve never took the time to really enjoy nature like we are doing now. “Amazon giveaway”

    •   -   05/15/2020

      You're right. Nature is free and full of simplistic fun. Taking walks, riding bikes, enjoy trails, fishing, playing catch, rollerblading, stargazing, etc.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    Our kids are playing together way more than they used to and with more interactive games.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    We've always said that we should go on more family neighborhood walks together - and now we go on so many that we've lost track!

  •   -   05/12/2020

    My son who has his learner's permit has been driving on mostly traffic free streets. It has been much less stressful than before COVID-19, and we have lots of time to talk device-free. Also, we have had some success trying to make our favorite restaurant food at home. It's really not that hard! Amazon Giveaway

    •   -   05/12/2020

      What a great point, less street traffic is ideal for learning to drive! It's also been great on our family walks and runs, I must say.

  •   -   05/14/2020

    During this pandemic, I have enjoyed spending time with my 1 year old. This has truly been the silver lining. As women we know how hard it is to return to work after a maternity leave. This time has been a true bonding experience with my daughter. “Amazon Giveaway”

    •   -   05/14/2020

      I am right there with you, and trying to remember to cherish every morning cuddle or midday walk with my baby and 2-year-old!

  •   -   04/14/2020

    I'm knitting the baby-friendly yarn I've accumulated over the years into blankets and hats to donate after this is over. A nice relaxing hobby that makes use of things I already have on hand, and I am finally finding time to support a charity I've been wanting to give to for a while.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    As a family, we are stretching out the use of food, milk, and toiletries far better than ever before. We have all become more mindful to conserve our usage.

    •   -   04/14/2020

      I totally agree with this! We are looking at our fridge and deciding when we really need to make another grocery trip. We are wasting way less food then we did before.

  •   -   05/01/2020

    Besides fun virtual meetings with friends and family, love seeing the hearts and chalk messages in the neighborhood.

    •   -   05/01/2020

      Love the encouraging, colorful messages and artwork by neighbors!!

  •   -   04/13/2020

    We have been able to finish some projects around the house like scrapbooks and cleaning out the basement to donate gently used toys.

  •   -   05/13/2020

    As my kindergarten daughter’s educator at the moment, I’m finding out things about her that I would never have known if we were still in the usual school setting. I’ve realized she raises her hand in class to answer the teacher A LOT- and usually has the answer or something to add. I knew she could read some, but she’s come such a long way so quickly! I also now know she’s excellent at math- she just solves problems in a different (and interesting) way than I do. It’s been a trying but enlightening experiment where I feel we’re both getting to know each other on a totally new level. :) Amazon giveaway

    •   -   05/13/2020

      So interesting. I feel like our kids have alter egos in the classroom and at home, so it's enlightening indeed to see their personalities marry together given our dual role as part time educators and parents.

  •   -   05/13/2020

    Spending more time with my kids and playing more games and eating together. Amazon giveaway

  •   -   04/13/2020

    Our kids are actually keeping up with certain chores far better than they ever have before.

  •   -   04/13/2020

    Our jobs ask that we perform work from home, therefore, our family is saving $$$ on train tickets to the city and gas money. 

  •   -   05/14/2020

    As a family, we are enjoying spending time with each other and feeling more relaxed! Also, I have nice skin and hair since I’m makeup free and hair product free! “Amazon giveaway”

  •   -   05/14/2020

    With more free time on our hands we've been able to connect more with family. We walk the half mile to my parents' house to wave hello from the driveway several times a week, video chat with family instead of only texting, share recipes and deliver baked goods to the local family members, and my sister hosts a regular virtual storytime for her nephews. Amazon Giveaway.

    •   -   05/14/2020

      Our walks to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for socially distant driveway chats have been a highlight for us, too! And, I know, for Grandma and Grandpa, too, who have missed spending time with our kids.

    •   -   05/14/2020

      Aww, I love the virtual storytime idea! It can be hard for kids to sit still for all of this video chatting, and that sounds like a great way to engage them.

  •   -   10/19/2020

    Slower pace, no rushing around, spending more time together. And, due to virtual school, I realized my youngest son may have ADHD. After he is evalated at school starting this week in person, if it's confirmed through his pediatrician, he can get the help he needs.

  •   -   05/15/2020

    I have done so much covid cleaning! I've taken advantage of contactless exchanges to sell quite a few things on Facebook Marketplace, and also have a growing donation pile. It's very rewarding, and my decluttering efforts have had positive effects on my children's imaginations and creativity. It's been fun to see! Amazon Giveaway.

    •   -   05/15/2020

      I aspire to this! There’s this closet that’s been calling my name...maybe this weekend! 🤞🏽

  •   -   05/12/2020

    I really just want to complete my 500 piece puzzles! This 3D puzzle at my home is challenging yet fun!!!

    •   -   05/12/2020

      We've done every puzzle in the house and I wish we had more! It's fun to leave one out on the table and have people sit down to work on it whenever they need something to do.

  •   -   05/15/2020

    My kids are sharing and playing together a lot more. They are really using their imaginations quite a bit! Amazon giveaway

  •   -   05/12/2020

    We have been spending so much time outdoors it's been wonderful! We even started a vegetable garden! (Amazon Giveaway)

    •   -   05/12/2020

      We were so excited to grow seedlings for a small vegetable garden this year, too! I may have been a little too eager to get them in the ground, though, and might have lost them to a late frost...whoops! 😊 Fingers crossed the make it!

  •   -   05/14/2020

    I have definitely enjoyed being able to be close to my daughter’s and spend more time with them. As a working mom, leaving each morning was so hard! I am embracing this time and learning to be present in everything I do with them. “Amazon Giveaway”

  •   -   05/14/2020

    The silver lining that we've discovered is that we are enjoying that ours days aren't being rushed. We can actually take the time and enjoy what we are doing including spending more quality time together. Amazon Giveaway.

  •   -   05/12/2020

    The silver lining for my family is that we actually enjoy many of the same things (we forgot) but time and life duties have us all pulled in different directions most days. Amazon giveaway

  •   -   05/12/2020

    I came across a recipe for pickled Dandelion buds-so I decided to give it a go: The result was delicious! And best of all, the only item to buy was the vinegar (which I already had in my pantry) The buds are free for the picking in our back yard.

    •   -   05/12/2020

      Wow, what a cool discovery! I never would have thought of this, and dandelions are (for better or worse!) so plentiful in our yard. :)

  •   -   04/29/2020

    As virtual hangouts become more common, I’ve found myself connecting more with friends and family I had not been in close touch with before.

  •   -   04/24/2020

    My kids are learning to do more for themselves. For example, making their own lunches, heating up leftovers or starting a load of dishes.

    •   -   04/24/2020

      We’re seeing this, too, and are really thankful for the way this newfound independence helps the whole family out.

  •   -   05/12/2020

    Amazon giveaway the funnyness my son has i never relized it cause we were always on him because of his lack of homework doing so ya

  •   -   04/24/2020

    It's allowed all of us to see a more "human" side of everyone. Since everyone is working together and doing the best they can, it makes us appreciate the people we interact with on a day to day basis much more.

  •   -   05/12/2020

    We've been trying to embrace it as much as possible. So to support local businesses, we are learning to use apps like GrubHub for curbside pickup, buying cupcake decorating kits to support our local bakery and purchasing pottery to go to keep our small business art shop in business.

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