Would you recommend taking infants/toddlers on overseas vacations?
My immediate family is taking a trip to Italy next spring and we are debating on whether or not we should take our will-be 23 and 18 month old children. Have you attempted taking toddlers on long flights overseas? If so, was it also worth having them along for the experience, even if they won't remember it?
We've done many trips to Germany and Spain with the kids starting when they were babies, but always to visit my husband's family, so that's definitely easier than staying in a hotel. My kids are super picky eaters, but we make do. The flights and jet lag are the worst and we're about to do our first international flight with 3 kids, which I'm not looking forward to!
We had a direct flight from Chicago to Maui last spring break with our three. I think the jet lag is the worst part. We made them stay up as late as possible that first night, which did help a bit.
Jet lag is also my biggest concern, but we love to travel! Thanks for the staying-up-late tip! I'll try that next time.
Worth having them along for the ride? If you could have them stay home with someone you trusted would you prefer that?
I haven't done it, but I've heard from friends that have traveled to Europe with little ones that a comfortable baby carrier is a must-have. Many places are not stroller friendly, and it makes getting through the airport with tiny ones and luggage easier!
My brother and sister in law are in Australia and I am dying to visit them, but I can't even imagine doing that travel with my kids just yet. This is giving me hope that maybe we actually can do it!
I guess if you count Mexico then yes. We took our kids twice as infants and also toddlers.
Happy you did it, or no?
Yes, it worked out well! The only downside is some of the foods they were used to, they did not have at the local grocery store. Looking back, next time I would have shipped that stuff to the hotel before we arrived.