When do you start your holiday shopping?
I met a mom today, October 1, that said she was just about finished her holiday shopping. Which made me wonder when do parents start their Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa shopping? My list hasn't even been created yet - am I behind the game?
I used to try to buy little things here and there throughout the year, but my kids' tastes change so quickly, that I now find I have to wait until at least November, to make sure I'm age and preference appropriate!
I agree 100% with this! Now that my kids are getting older I can’t buy too far ahead or they change their mind.
I like to keep gifting in mind throughout the year so I tend to get things gradually. If I wait until Thanksgiving or later, it just stresses me out!
I try to buy as I see things throughout the year but have noticed as my kids get older their tastes change so what I bought in the summer isn’t relevant anymore. Now I wait until closer to Christmas when my kids really know what they want.
For kids I start after Halloween because by then I have a sense of what they are into As others noted, the kids' tastes change quickly so I don't buy too far out. For everyone else I try to pick up things throughout the second half of the year as I see them.
I agree, I'd love to start earlier in the year but at least for my kids I find that they change their minds a lot and what they might want in August can completely change by December. I like to wait and see what kinds of deals I can get around the holidays as well.
I usually try to shop throughout the year when I can to help spread the expenses out a little bit, but there also do tend to be some great deals during the holiday season that I don't want to miss out on! This year we have a new baby on the way with a Thanksgiving Day due date, so I'd love to be finished before he arrives. But, something tells me that the two of us might end up doing some late night Amazon shopping in December. ;)