When do you put presents under the Christmas tree?
As I watch my toddlers tear through all the gifts under our tree with several days left until Christmas, I wonder whether I should have waited a little longer to put them there! Growing up, only Santa's gifts arrived while we were sleeping on Christmas Eve, and I love how festive the tree looks with gifts from family and friends under it as we approach the big day. Still, I can also see how magical it would be for them all to appear at once!
When does your family put presents under the tree?
I used to put gifts out as they were wrapped/arrive, but my kids have no restraint, so now I've started waiting until Christmas Eve!
I may have to test this out next year! As much as I love seeing the pile of presents under the tree, I did not love having to re-wrap gifts every day after the littlest ones climbed all over them... :)
We have two Christmas celebrations with the kids. One is gifts from Mom and Dad, usually on Christmas Eve or the day before we travel in we are going out of town to see family. And the second is on Christmas morning with gifts from Santa. Now that the kids are a bit older, I can put the Mom and Dad gifts out as I wrap them and they are (mostly) patient enough to wait to open. There is definitely something magical about a big pile of presents from Santa on Christmas morning!
We hold off on putting all gifts, even those sent by extended family members, under the tree until Christmas Eve after the kids go to bed. This is how it was for me growing up, and it makes Christmas morning that much more special to see how all of the gifts have appeared overnight!