When did your child start to walk?

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  •   -   03/01/2019

    Both of my kids started walk between 12-13 months. I know plenty of babies start sooner but it was kind of nice not having to chase after them so much too soon!

  •   -   03/01/2019

    My daughter didn’t start until 17 months. She could do it, she just refused to. She liked to be carried around and her father was more than happy to oblige.

    •   -   03/04/2019

      It's the one developmental milestone I was ok happened later than a lot of my friends- once they start moving it's a little hectic! haha 17 months sounds like a dream! ;)

  •   -   03/01/2019

    My first started walking at 13ish months. My second was around a year old and my 3rd is only 6 months so will see lol

  •   -   03/01/2019

    Every baby is different! My 4 kids first walked at 10 months, 9 months (running so fast I could hardly catch her by her 1st birthday), 15 months (I was so glad to have break with this one!), and 12 months.

  •   -   03/01/2019

    My youngest started walking at 1 year and my oldest was content to crawl until about 18 months. His balance was not steady but he could easily walk when holding onto something. Once he started, he never slowed down.

  •   -   03/03/2019

    Mine also ranged! My first was 16 months, but when he started he was completely steady, it was as if he waited until he was fully balanced standing before even trying! My second was about 11 months and my third 12 months.

  •   -   03/04/2019

    My daughter didn't crawl til 11.5 months, but then she was walking by 13 months. It all happened really quickly!

  •   -   03/03/2019

    All three of my kids started walking at 11 months. Even though it was further to fall, I much preferred walking over crawling.

  •   -   03/13/2019

    All of our kids walked around 15-16 months. Babies walking under a year amaze me! ;)

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