What's your grocery shopping strategy?

Grocery shopping is one of those errands that has to get done but isn't always easy or enjoyable (especially when factoring in small children). What's your strategy for tackling this important task?

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  •   -   01/02/2019

    Most Sundays we get up early and go to Wegmans, which has a cafe and a seating area. The kids have donuts with my husband while I shop, then we meet up and finish together. It's fun way for the three boys to do something special and it makes groceries more of a family errand.

    •   -   01/02/2019

      What a fun way to get shopping done. I miss Wegman's so much since we've moved - such a great store!

      •   -   01/02/2019

        I love Wegmans. It's farther than I would drive normally for a grocery store but it's a nice store to shop. I email them several times a year and beg for one to be built closer to us!

    •   -   01/05/2019

      Sounds like I need a Wegmans in my town. I’ve never heard of it.

  •   -   01/03/2019

    My 4yo always enjoys shopping with me, although my 8yo doesn't care either way. Fortunately they usually help more than hinder--though Wegman's sounds amazing and I wish we had one nearby!

    •   -   01/03/2019

      My 3yo actually likes shopping as an activity, so I've never gone out of my way not to take her. Most of the stores we go to have something special for kids, like free cookies or mini-shopping carts. I come up with random "important" tasks for her to help with, so its semi-educational.

  •   -   01/04/2019

    We are loyal Aldi shoppers! It’s way cheaper across the board, and way smaller than other grocery stores, so my husband doesn’t feel overwhelmed shopping there. He actually prefers to be the one to grocery shop, so he goes on his way home from work once a week. Works like a charm!

    •   -   01/05/2019

      Also just opened up in my hometown and my whole family loves it! The kids actually want to go to the grocery store with me now if I’m going to Aldi!

      •   -   01/05/2019

        That quarter is pretty alluring for my 2-year-old too ☺️

        •   -   01/05/2019

          Lol! My friend gave me a keychain for Christmas that says “I “heart” Aldi” and has a slot for my quarter. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever!

  •   -   01/03/2019

    When my boys were really little I would bring them with me to the grocery store. Now that they are older I either shop while they are in school or I have started leaving them at home while I shop. It makes the process go a lot faster!

  •   -   01/02/2019

    I love Wegmans too. They have kids movies once a month and one of the local stores has a separate play area where they will watch your kids while you shop. Their store is always clean, great products and prices and they are open 24 hours!

    •   -   01/03/2019

      OK, I need my Wegmans to build a play area! That would blow my kids's minds. Maybe I'll suggest in my next quarterly email asking when they are going to build one closer to me, haha!

  •   -   01/03/2019

    Our trips to Trader Joes are something I will remember forever. My daughter LOVES going to the grocery store! It's true though, that when I'm alone I get things done a lot faster ;)

    •   -   01/05/2019

      100% yes to this! And I stick to my list without the kids.

  •   -   01/02/2019

    I used to take them sometimes when they were little, especially if I only needed to pick up a few things. They liked to ride in the car add-on in front of the cart. But now I rarely take them, unless it is just to pick up a couple of things.

  •   -   01/04/2019

    Today was actually the first day that I had all four of mine (including a newborn) with me at the grocery store! It went okay. Of course, we quickly ran out of room in the cart for groceries so, for better or worse, it was a relatively short trip!

    •   -   01/04/2019

      Congratulations on your newborn! Going ok sounds like a win at that stage!

      •   -   01/06/2019

        Thanks! It was an adventure for sure. But I managed to get everything on my list. Plus a box of Lucky Charms, which was not on my list, but the spoils of a quick-thinking three-year old who recognized that my defenses were probably down. ;)

    •   -   01/05/2019

      Wow! I can’t imagine shopping with four little ones. Way to get out with all the kids!

  •   -   01/07/2019

    I wish we had Wegmans in NYC; it's the best! I usually end up bringing my toddler, but I much prefer not to. Next year I'll finally have all the kids in some school, so I'll be able to go alone. Though half the time we order Fresh Direct, so I'm not even going to an actual store!

  •   -   01/05/2019

    I try to meal plan on Saturday and shop of Sundays so I usually leave the kids at home with my husband while I go out. I find I can be a lot faster and am better at sticking to my list without the rugrats...I mean kids interrupting me!

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