What's your child's favorite way to read?

Most kids love reading (or being read to). How do your kiddos get their bookworm time in?

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  •   -   05/08/2018

    My boys prefer the paperback or hardback books. We've tried the kindle with my oldest and he just couldn't get into it. My 5yo (who is starting to read) seems to read me more and more words from the books that I read her.

  •   -   05/07/2018

    The longer I can avoid books on a screen the better- I hope my daughter continues to love real books as long as possible!

  •   -   05/07/2018

    My younger son loves being read to, my older reader loves paperbacks on his own, but they both enjoy listening to audio books sometimes, too.

  •   -   05/07/2018

    We do a mix of paper book and audiobook when we are in the car; My favorite moment is when my son read books for his sister as they sit together on their little floor cushions!

  •   -   05/07/2018

    Both of my kids read a combination of paperbacks and Kindle books. The Kindle is particularly great for a little reading time before going to sleep as it has it's own built in light. My younger son still enjoys cuddling up and reading a book together some times.

  •   -   12/28/2018

    We have always read physical books and stuck with audio for music only. My kids read chapter books on their own but they still always want me to read to them, especially at bedtime.

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