What's the ultimate deciding factor when your kids ask for a new pet?

From pocket-sized furry critters to pets that require their own room and board, it seems like every child wants a pet! If you haven't yet gotten a family pet- or the kids want to add to the bunch- what's the ultimate deciding factor?

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  •   -   08/20/2018

    I pretty much want to select every choice as to why we don't have a pet. My oldest is allergic to cats, both have asthma so dogs are not ideal and the amount of work and time to care for a pet, because while my kids would help out, the main responsibility would fall to me. And, where I currently live, pets are not allowed. Fish might be a good choice, but the short lifespan kind of rules that out for me too.

    •   -   08/21/2018

      I agree. I could select many of these options.

    •   -   08/24/2018

      That definitely adds to the complexity of the decision! I could mark a couple other options, too- I think that may be the case for many other moms, too.

    •   -   08/29/2018

      I also want to select them all, but it depends on the pet. Something big, I'd worry about accommodation and budget. Anything little, I worry about heartbreak when it dies.

  •   -   08/20/2018

    We have a 14 year old dog that we all adore. My husband and I have been debating adding another puppy to the family (which our kids beg us to do daily), but I'm hesitant because of the amount of added responsibility. There is also the additional coordinating/added expense for boarding a second dog or hiring a pet sitter when we travel - we go out of town quite a bit and it's hard to find care for our current dog - not to mention two.

    •   -   08/21/2018

      We currently have two, and I love them like they're my children, but they are so so expensive! Maybe a puppy will work out better once your current dog has passed on and you've had a chance to be a pet-less family for a little while!

    •   -   08/24/2018

      I think dogs are the most labor-intensive pet! Of course, they're so rewarding too- we have a dog that my husband rescued, but we'd have to think long and hard about adding another one to the family.

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