What does your family do for most 3 day weekends?

We have some three day weekends coming up with MLK Jr Day and President's Day. I was curious, do you like to just take the extra time to relax, or do you tend to take trips during these long weekends?

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  •   -   01/12/2019

    We usually stay home and relax--I don't enjoy fighting traffic on holiday weekends to get wherever we want to go!

    •   -   01/15/2019

      Same here! It's too short to fly and the traffic is a nightmare, especially with little kids. WE catch up on chores at home and try to take one day to do something as a family.

  •   -   01/13/2019

    I love the extra day to catch up on chores, errands, projects, etc, while still having the opportunity to relax and spend time as a family at home!

  •   -   01/15/2019

    We will usually do something on the holiday since kids are off from school and I can either work remotely or take the day off. But if the weather is bad, we tend to stay local or at home.

  •   -   01/21/2019

    If my husband has off of work on a holiday we will usually take a day trip to a museum or a hike or something else fun for the family. Some of these smaller holidays my kids still have sports over the weekend so going somewhere for the duration of the three days is usually not an option.

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