What age is Hamilton appropriate for?
There's a whole lot for families to love about Hamilton: the amazing music, the thrill of a live Broadway show, and the lesson in history. And now that it's available to watch on Disney+, you don't even need to buy tickets.
But is Hamilton appropriate for kids? There's a lot of language and content that parents need to consider, and it's probably worth checking it out yourself first before deciding.
If your kids have watched Hamilton, cast your vote to let us know what age was right for your family!
I watched Hamilton with my 10-year-old on Disney+ when our theatre tickets were cancelled due to COVID 😢. There were a few moments that I think probably would have been better saved for around age 12+, but ultimately I'm glad I let him watch it (with an adult). We did have a conversation afterward about a couple of things! My younger child very much wants to see it, but until she's ready we'll continue enjoying our Hamilton playlist - which I've narrowed down to the most kid-appropriate songs.
My boys were obsessed with the soundtrack at very young ages (7 and 9) and could recite most of the songs word-for-word. I don't really think they paid much attention to the lyrics at the time. Then we took them to see the play when they were almost 9 and 11. Of course they loved the live action (we all did)! We watched the play on Disney+ when they were 10 and 12 and I think they were really able to retain more at the older ages.
I agree. My 6 year old had a president obsession and so we got to learning about Hamilton and the other founding fathers. I let her listen to some of the songs and watch a few videos (like Tony Performances, etc) so she could see how amazing it was to have the story set to present day hip hop, but will save the full story for when she is older...(also disclaimer it was coming off months of homeschool/quarantine where anything that she showed interest in was worth trying).
My 15-year-old and I finally got to watch Hamilton live, and we both loved it! Not having heard or seen it before at all, both of us were a little confused after the first act since we couldn't fully follow along with the lyrics, though by the end I was (mostly) all caught up, while she was still a bit confused. I imagine it would be pretty hard for younger kids to follow the story without having heard the soundtrack several times, or having the benefit of subtitles! Given some of the content and language, I'll probably wait until my younger kids are 12 or so to watch/hear it in its entirety, though my 5-year-old is already enjoying select songs quite a lot!