What age did your child stop believing in Santa?
I have a 10-year-old who discovered the tooth fairy was not an actual tooth fairy, but mom and dad. However, she has not figured out Santa yet. Or maybe she has and won't admit it. I am assuming this will be my last year for her believing. So I am curious what other parents have experienced?
My oldest Dylan, age 9, is on the fence and did bring it up last year, but I think he genuinely still believes because the other day he was naming a couple things he wants to ask Santa for this year. This is probably (sadly) the last year. My youngest Devon, age 8, may get the short end because his brother will talk in front of him and I haven't figured out a way to tell Dylan not to mention this in front of Devon, because clearly I will give it away.
My sisters with older kids have told me you have to threaten him. If he tells his brother he won’t get any presents from Mom and Dad.
I am in the same boat! I have a just turned 10 year old so I think this may be the last year! :(
I realize this probably makes me sound like a scrooge, but if I had it to do over again, I'd probably not do the Santa thing.
We decided not to, in part because it was so hard for me when I found out the truth as a kid, and I have never regretted it. Christmas is still super special for them and they've never felt the loss. We did have to talk to them about not spoiling the surprise for other kids, but just explained that families all have different traditions which they understood pretty well.
My oldest just turned 10. I can see the wheels already spinning in his head about Santa. I think he will be scared to say anything to us though. Now his brother (age 8), on the other hand, will be blabbing it to the world when he finds out. Sadly my youngest (age 5) will probably find out earlier than she should.
My kids are the exact same ages! I hope we have one more year for our 10 year olds!!!
Oh no! My 10yo found out last night. He caught me moving the elf two nights ago (at 11:30pm)! He told me about the elf yesterday and then asked about Santa to which I told the truth. Poor guy seemed defeated and was fighting back tears. He’s kind of excited to be in on the secret with his younger brother and sister. I thought I would be upset about it but I’m kind of relieved knowing I don’t have to skirt around it with him anymore.
Wow! I remember asking my mom right before Christmas. My 10 year old also knows about the elf but not Santa yet. Or maybe she is just not ready to admit it to herself. Glad he can be a helper to his brother!