What is the best baby registry?
Let's vote on the best baby registry places and help expecting parents decide where to register for all of that cute and useful baby stuff!
There is a lot to consider when comparing the best baby registry sites for a growing family, like how convenient shopping will be for friends and family, the return policy, and special perks like completion discounts.
Parents, what is the best baby registry that you used? Vote for your pick and let us know why you loved it in the comments!
I liked Buy Buy Baby (I didn't have a Target near me). I found it easy to use, manage, make returns and exchanges. Plus they are so good about honoring coupons which is nice for people purchasing.
Target is so convenient because I shop there regularly anyway - unlike baby-only stores where I still have unused gift cards years later! This makes any returns and exchanges so much easier. Plus, you (and your family and friends) can easily see/get stuff in-store as well as online.
Babylist allows people to easily compare prices at different retailers, which I liked. That said, I did sign up for registries at all the big retailers to get the free samples/welcome packages, but kept those “private” so people could only purchase off of Babylist.
I like Target because it is just so convenient, and gives people the option to shop either in person or online depending on what they prefer. The prices also fluctuate less than they do at Amazon.