Parents with more than one child: do your kids' names follow a pattern?
It's most common with twins, but many parents choose to follow a pattern with their children's names. Think of the Duggars (all J names, one son uses all M names), the Kardashians (all K's), etcetera. Also, rhyming names/similar pronunciation names are somewhat pattern-like.
One son has the same first letter as me, and the other has the same first letter as his dad's name. But our pattern goes farther- the boys' names both end in -as, which was unintentional! Their dad's ends in s too.
My husband and I both have middle names that start with E. He thought it would be fun to give our kids E middle names as well. Turns out there are lots of E names we both love, so it worked out great for us and the kids love sharing their middle initial with the rest of the fam.
No pattern here, but I do love hearing about others who have followed one! A friend of mine has four children and their names all begin with "C".
No intentional patterns for us. My oldest happens to have the same initials as my husband, but that was not planned.
Both of my boys' names start with D but that was not intentional - just both names that I love!