How many years apart are your kids in age?

My husband and I are already thinking about when the best time would be to start trying for a second child. I realize this is a harder question to answer if you have more than 2 kids, but curious how long people waited before adding another addition to their family!

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  •   -   09/25/2018

    Mine are 22 months apart. It was crazy at first, with a newborn and a two year old, but I absolutely love that now they are into a lot of the same stuff and can play together a ton. When they're not fighting, that is!

    •   -   09/26/2018

      Amen on the fighting!

  •   -   09/25/2018

    They're were born 2 years apart -- fast forward to ages 5 and 7, they are like-minded besties attached at the hip in sisterly friendship.

  •   -   09/26/2018

    I always love hearing about other parents' experiences with age gaps! We planned our boys 4 years apart, and it's been great except for two things: sometimes they're into different things based on ability level, and they're never in the same class/level for extracurriculars, which is rough on my preschooler since he's always "too young" for everything.

    •   -   09/27/2018

      That's super helpful! We've been thinking about waiting around 3 sister and I are exactly 3 years apart and I liked it! But I also like the idea of of an even larger gap!

      •   -   09/27/2018

        Originally we had planned on 6 years! The idea was that our oldest wouldn't be a "baby" anymore and would likely have his own interests and want a bit of his own space. But 4 ended up working well, too!

  •   -   09/25/2018

    My boys are 20 months apart. It worked out well because they are 1 year apart in school. It's also great they like a lot of the same things, have a lot of the same friends, and can share toys, clothes etc.

  •   -   09/25/2018

    First two are 22 months apart. The second and third are 2.5 years apart. I like that they are all close in age and can play together and be interested in the same things. I couldn't imagine having a 5yo then having a baby. Seems like you'd be starting all over. Although it's more work having them closer together when they're younger, it gets much easier as they get older.

  •   -   09/26/2018

    2.5 years worked for us. My son is 5 and my daughter is 2.5. For the most part, they get along really really well and it was easier for me to have a newborn with a pretty capable toddler.

  •   -   09/24/2018

    17 months and three years

  •   -   09/27/2018

    Have you read the Birth Order Book? It talks some about age gaps and how they affect the dynamics and each individual child. If I recall correctly, a gap greater than 4 years will result in two kids who have the attributes of an Oldest child. Something to consider!

    •   -   10/14/2018

      Oooh! I haven't heard of that. I find things like that fascinating, I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation :)

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