How many loads of laundry do you wash per week?
Ah, laundry - the chore that never ends! How many loads are you doing at your house per week?
In my house, we have 4 kids, including 2 big kids with daily sports practice and a toddler who wears cloth diapers. That means lots of loads of laundry! My big kids do their own, which makes things easier for me, but our washer and dryer handles about 10 loads of laundry per week.
Umm..every single day!
I was going to say, is there a day that I'm not doing a load of laundry?!
I would have less actual loads if I had a larger washing machine. But it's still too much for 3 people and yes, putting it away is the worst part of the process. I have also been known to walk around the house searching out dirty clothes that my kids "accidentally" dropped throughout the week.
That drives me nuts! They all have hampers in their rooms, but instead I find clothes on their floor and socks all over the place!
My son diligently places his dirty clothes right NEXT to his hamper on the floor. Without fail.
My kids have a hamper too, but socks and sometimes other clothes are strewn around. I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Socks are everywhere. Every. Where.
Ha! I love when they take off their socks then they have to go somewhere so they grab another pair instead of finding the original pair. Then they do this 4x/day!!!
We own so many socks for this reason. They might go through 4 pairs each day!
I find a surprising number of dirty socks deposited on the kitchen table. Why?!?!
The kitchen table?!?!
I definitely find socks under the kitchen table!
Yes!!! Socks are everywhere! My son gently placed his on the top of our kitchen table during dinner last night - why??
My cousin literally leaves everyone's clothes folded in the laundry room and everyone gets dressed downstairs and I think it is all together hilarious, efficient, and would drive me insane in my own home haha!
I got a much larger washer since I first answered this poll. I'm still doing the same number of loads. They're all full. I can only assume that laundry multiplies to fill up all available time.
Sometimes it seems like it's all I do! Putting it away is the worst!
I try to plan a laundry schedule. Every other day but it’s 3-4 loads each time so in total I’d say 10-12. And yes, agree with everyone putting it away is the worst!
This is a hilarious thread of comments. Also Lord help me if I ever have to do more than 1-2 loads a week or I will lose. My. Mind.
My husband wears work clothes, gym clothes, lounge clothes, and pajamas every day. My toddler goes through at least 2 outfits depending on how much yogurt, applesauce, and painting is involved, plus pajamas. My infant pukes or poops on his sleepers at least a few times a day......and he also pukes on ME a few times a day. I'm pretty sure laundry accounts for 95% of my stress as a mom. Send help!!
I usually try to do laundry every other week(as much as I despise it) but we all know as moms there is always a chance it turns to into almost everyday. Between my work scrubs and the kids sports stuff it feels like I do laundry everyday *rolls eyes*