How long did your baby or toddler rear face?
Did you know that the newest guidelines say that rear facing is the safest way for kiddos 2 and under to ride? Many seats on the market today can keep kids rear facing even longer! How long did/will your child rear face?
We have a tiny 3-year old so she is still rear-facing. Somehow she has never wondered why she is facing backward while her older brother faces forward.
My daughter was 2.5 when she stopped rare facing, however my son stopped by 22 month old it was a drama every time we had to go in the car seat: he used to put his feet against the seat and arches his back up so that I cant buckle him! I had to always leave the house 15 min early to allow for extra time for the car seat negotiations! To be honest, I do not miss those days!
Oh the toddler resistance definitely doesn't help! They must share tips, because my kids did that as toddlers too, just for other non-seat related reasons.
I did switch my first at age 2 because he got horribly carsick and I hated seeing him suffer, but kept my second rear facing until almost 4. We only switched him around because he kept kicking his brother in the face, but I wish we could have gone a bit longer. Rear facing is so much safer for kids!
My preschooler is coming up on age 4 and rear faces in a Diono Pacifica with room to spare! My older son rear faced to about 2.5, to the limits of his car seat back in 2012.
oh wow! how do you convince him to sit rear face? I was barely able to get them to sit in until they are 2!
He's never really questioned it, thankfully! He has commented a few times about turning forward like his big brother (who's almost 8), and I just let him know that it's safest that way and that he won't ride that way forever.
Both of mine were between 18 months and 2 years. My younger one gets car sick and would scream his head off if we were in the car for longer than 25 minutes. Turning him around eased the car sickness a bit and definitely decreased the screaming.
I have a friend who experienced the same thing with her daughter, poor kiddo couldn't handle being in the car longer than about 20 minutes. Turning her around was the only way to make the puking stop.
We had the smaller convertible car seats for our kids (Britax Roundabout) so we switched them to forward facing shortly after they turned 1. I remember my youngest being sad when she couldn't see her big brother in the back anymore in the mini van.