Has your school district changed to a later start time for middle school and/or high school?

A lot of school districts in our area are talking about having the middle school and/or high school have a later start time and in turn start the elementary schools earlier in the morning. Has your district implemented this change already?

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  •   -   07/09/2018

    Our district did a survey to gauge actual interest in proceeding with this, and I believe they discovered that the idea did not have enough support. I can't imagine getting my elementary-age kids on the bus by 6:30AM, which would have been the tradeoff to having the older kids start later.

    •   -   07/09/2018

      That's a good point, the bus transportation schedules are a big piece to figure out if the change is made. That and the after-school sports schedules/games for the older kids.

      •   -   07/10/2018

        That is my problem with late start! We get off the bus at 4. The other side of town starts earlier and ends earlier. Their kids have time to get to sports that start at 4:30 and stop at home for dinner. We literally have to eat dinner in the car to make activities that start at 4:30!

        •   -   08/01/2018

          That's an early dinner! I have a friend with three very busy boys who says they either eat at 4pm or 8pm. I get it now that my boys are getting more busy with activities.

  •   -   07/09/2018

    I personally think this is a great idea and I really hope our school district makes this change. My older son is starting middle school this year and the bus will pick him up at 6:30 am! I know as he gets older he physically has a hard time falling asleep early and getting up so early in the morning is going to be a real struggle. On the other hand, when my kids were younger they naturally went to bed earlier and were awake before I even had to get them up!

    •   -   08/01/2018

      You hit the nail on the head. This is why there are a lot of supporters for the change.

  •   -   07/09/2018

    Our middle school starts the earliest, then high school and our elementary school is not until 9:05! On Wednesdays it is even later due to PTA before school. I would love an earlier start than 9! It makes it hard if you have a preschooler to get to school on time as well since most preschools start at 9 too.

    •   -   08/01/2018

      That's rough for parents with kids so many different ages.

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