Does Santa wrap presents?

When talking to friends, it's evident that everyone does Santa differently. I have several friends who just leave the presents unwrapped under the tree and others who use the Santa bag and put all presents unwrapped in there. My Santa wraps his gifts and uses "special" paper each year that is kept very top secret in the house. Curious to know, does Santa wrap presents in your house?

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  •   -   11/27/2018

    I always had secret wrapping paper that only Santa used as well. This is the first year I don't have to keep it a secret. Kind of sad that part of our kids lives is over but it does make it all a lot easier to keep straight!

    •   -   11/29/2018

      My oldest is 10 and I know we are approaching that stage for him. I am getting very sad thinking about it. I remember being so sad when I found out as a kid. Good luck to you this year!

      •   -   11/29/2018

        We also have a 10 year old and I know this will be the last year. I am sad thinking about it! I feel the same as you do!

        •   -   11/30/2018

          My husband thinks it's crazy that our 7yo still believes in Santa, but I'm all about keeping the magic as long as possible!

  •   -   11/27/2018

    Yes and I always need to remind my inner Santa to get different wrapping paper than the gifts from mom and dad. Our kids are getting close to questioning Santa.

    •   -   11/29/2018

      I buy giant rolls of reversible wrapping paper at Costco. Two designs for the price of one! They last for years when just wrapping Santa gifts.

      •   -   11/29/2018

        I also buy Costco paper! I never thought about reversing it! Great idea! I will steal it for this year.

  •   -   11/27/2018

    I like wrapping and I wrap everything I can. My kids did once question why Santa used the same wrapping paper that they saw me buy so since then I have used different paper and made sure not to let them see it before Christmas.

    •   -   11/27/2018

      I asked this same question to my mom when I was a kid, and she said she leaves her paper out for Santa to use. Keep that one in your back pocket :)

      •   -   11/28/2018

        I was told the same as a child! I am hoping my kids aren't that clever yet!

      •   -   11/29/2018


    •   -   11/27/2018

      That’s the tricky part!

    •   -   11/27/2018

      Yep always buy different paper and gift tags.

  •   -   11/28/2018

    The big debate in my house has always been: do we wrap the presents or set them up so the kids can meet them ready to be played with!? I love to watch their faces as they unwrap gifts, but it can be hard when they have to wait patiently for us to put the thing together!

    •   -   11/28/2018

      That is a great point! Gifts that have to be put together take time and often are not put together until way after the Christmas craziness dies down in our house.

    •   -   11/30/2018

      Yes! The year we gave them the little roller coaster, I had it already set up, because I didn't want to wrap the huge box and it seemed exciting to have it sitting there when they woke up.

  •   -   11/30/2018

    I wrap all gifts and do use different wrapping paper for Santa. But I don't think my kids would notice one way or the other. My oldest is also 10 so this may be the last year. He is on the fence and said this year he's going to stay up all night to see. Like that is going to happen....

    •   -   11/30/2018

      My 10yo wanted to "catch" Santa a couple years ago. My husband has an outdoor camera so my son had my husband set up the camera to face the tree. The camera clicks a picture every time there is movement. My son thought for sure we'd see Santa on the camera. Low and behold after a few hours on Photoshop, my husband was able to insert Santa next to our Christmas tree and put the picture back on the memory card. It was mind blowing for my son the next morning when he asked to see the pictures and saw Santa in front of our tree! He brought the picture into school and showed all his friends. He was so proud to catch him. Haha!

      •   -   11/30/2018

        I love this! Detective photo shop work! My kids have also said they want to set up a camera to catch the Tooth Fairy. But for Santa, they need to see him in person so "have no choice" but to stay up all night! lol

        •   -   12/09/2018

          This is amazing and how wonderful for your son! My parents used to made reindeer "hoof prints" on newspaper using soot from the fireplace. They'd also knock over furniture and scatter crumbs around. I still remember how excited I was to see what the reindeer had done on Christmas morning!

  •   -   12/31/2018

    Santa does not wrap gifts in our house. When I was a kid, he didn't wrap my presents either. At least he's consistent. ;)

  •   -   12/04/2018

    We're done with Santa, and I have to say, I'm actually relieved! My crafty kids notice everything. So we had to use different wrapping paper, bows & gift tags.

  •   -   12/12/2018

    My kids just found out last year we have a baby and get yo start all over lol.

  •   -   01/11/2021

    So we have multiple Santas in our life. When Santa visits in person at Grandma's house there is a specific matching paper we use. When he leaves presents under the tree for Christmas morning, they aren't wrapped.

  •   -   12/12/2018

    This poll is probably my favorite one!

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