Do you save your kids' artwork?
I love enjoying all of the art projects that my kids create, but they can quickly take up a lot of space! Personally, I pick a few of my favorites to save (one small box for each kid) and photograph most everything else before tossing. I have to make sure to bury everything in the recycle bin to best avoid the wrath of the kids discovering their hard work being trashed! With the photos, I'll create a photo book to look back on someday. I'm curious to know what others do!
I use a service called Artkive. You send them artwork, they photograph & turn it into a book. I love it. Now I can make the books, which are super cute to look through, and not really keep much of the art!
I also did Artkive, amazing!!! I picked my favorites, threw out the rest and made a book.
I like the idea of taking pictures and putting it in a photo book....one day. ;) Maybe I will do that, too.
My plan is to make a scrap book (with photos) of all the preschool/kindergarten artwork. I just don't know when I'll find the time :)
I keep anything with a hand or footprint. After that I hang it up for a while and if I really like it or my kid is super proud of it then it goes into the Keep pile.
I have a photobook I put together each year. Within this book, there is a pocket where I save special art projects.
I wish I could keep everything! Scanning or taking photos these art pieces is actually such a great idea.
I have one kid that's a hoarder and wants me to keep everything and another who has been throwing things away since he was one and doesn't care. I keep a few important pieces each year for both and the rest gets tossed.