Did you find out your baby's gender?
Today ultrasounds and blood work are done early on in pregnancy. So it's easier than ever to know your baby's gender. But with all the technology advancements, some parents choose to be surprised. What about you? Did you find out the gender(s)?
We found out with both. We wanted to be able to settle on their names, and feel like we got to "know" our kids before they were born. Plus, we figured there would be plenty of surprises anyway (we were right!).
We found out as soon as we could for our three. I was excited to find out as early as 10 weeks with our third. I agree that it makes the name game a bit easier, and I definitely connected with them in a different way once I knew gender. Three cheers to whoever invents the pregnancy test/gender reveal combo stick! ;)
It was the most wonderful surprise! I am so happy we didn't know in advance. I will never forget when the doc said, "It's a Girl!"
We did not find out for our first, but did for the other two. One of my happiest/most memorable moments of my son's birth was my husband telling me "It's a Boy!" on the operating table (c-sec). I had to find out if I my son would have a brother or sister with my second. And then once we found out (at 20 week ultrasound) my second was another boy I told my husband we're having three. Finally got my girl!
We did the same thing! Did not find out for the first, but we did for the other two.
We found out with both of our boys. It was nice to be able to plan ahead and not have everything be gender neutral. Plus, I'm not sure I could stand not knowing for all that time!
We found out for our first and only child (so far)! Wish I could have held out finding out until birth but I just don't work that way, ha! A nice element of surprise was gender reveal that my family planned for us. We did it on Christmas Day and it was perfect!
We found out with all three. I wish we had waited to have the first be a surprise, but for the next two, I was too anxious to know whether I would have a girl (number 3 was) to wait!