At what age did your kids stop riding in a stroller?
Regardless of whether your go-to stroller is a cheap umbrella or a high-end model with more engineering than my first car, they all eventually show their age. However, if your stroller starts to fall apart after your kids can walk, is it worth getting a new one? For moms that are past the stroller stage, how old were your kids when you decided that it was safe to pass along your buggy?
I hope we end up using it for as long as possible- it's my daughter's favorite place to be and it makes things so convenient when we're out and about!
Plus, all that handy storage for bags, snacks, cups, jackets, etc! I think that's what I missed most about giving up the stroller.
I agree, Kelly. Now I have to be the pack mule instead of the stroller holding all the stuff.
We purposely rented a stroller at Disney for my 5 yo for this reason. Too much stuff to carry!
My kids were done with the stroller but not the push ride on vehicles, which they rode in much longer, one was a little car that parents can push. They also rode together in a wagon for a few years after the stroller. It made the walk to and from school so much easier!
My first two kids got the boot when their sibling came along. My youngest just wanted to keep up with her brothers so she was never in the stroller. I’d say I officially stopped using it when she was almost 4.
My boys would still be in the double stroller if I let them! I loved taking walks with the kids, I hate that we are out of the stroller phase, but they're 5 and 7 now; it was time! I do still have a sturdy umbrella stroller that I put my 5 year old in for walks around the neighborhood. It's a way for me to get some exercise when my sidekick insists on accompanying me.