When do kids learn to ride a bike?


Do your kids garden?


Creative s'mores recipes?

We buy small Graham cracker crusts (in the tiny pan) and add chocolate chips or pieces of chocolate bars. Then top with small marshmallows. Perfect on a grill or oven!

My kids wanted S'mores once but we were out of graham crackers, so I improvised with chocolate chip cookies, topped them with mini marshmallows and put them in the toaster over for about 5 minutes. The kids loved them!

What are some fun water table ideas and activities?

Play Sink or Float. This simple toddler science experiment is a favorite at our house! Collect items that can safely get wet (utensils, plastic toys, fruit, rocks, etc.), then take turns placing them in the water table to see if they will sink or float.

Measuring cups of different sizes and shapes create ceaseless fun pouring and dumping; dumping and pouring for hours.

How old should kids be to play outside on their own?

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