What single piece of baby equipment did you spend the most on?

There are a ton of gadgets- some absolute necessities- available for babies. From where they sleep to how they get around, babies need lots of stuff.

But which piece was the most important to you, one that you were willing to spend the most cash on in order to get exactly what you wanted?

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  •   -   06/01/2018

    I've always been passionate about car seat safety, so it's the one area where I'm willing to spend as much as it takes to get not just safety, but the extra features that I want, too!

  •   -   06/01/2018

    We scrimped on every single baby item (and skipped a few altogether) with the exception of a really good *comfortable* baby carrier. Worth every penny in my opinion!

    •   -   06/03/2018

      Carriers were a runner-up for me- I splurged on two. We used them so often, it was worth it.

  •   -   06/01/2018

    Big kid car seats are insanely expensive! I had no idea!! I'm so thankful we'll be able to use it all the way through the booster seat stage!

    •   -   06/03/2018

      So true- and the longevity helps- some seats are good for like 12 years now and work for newborn through "tween" booster age!

  •   -   07/24/2018

    We lived in Brooklyn when my first two were born, so needed an amazing stroller that could really clock in some mileage. Our crib was actually a bit more expensive, but the stroller felt like more of a splurge. I'll definitely spend for strollers and car seats because quality, features, ease of use, and safety are important to me for those items!

  •   -   06/01/2018

    Car seat! I knew I wanted a Britax which comes at a hefty price tag. The good news is we used it for two of our kids and I paid for some of it through gift cards l received at my shower.

    •   -   06/03/2018

      We splurged on a Britax once my eldest outgrew his convertible/toddler seat. Best buy ever, and the Click Tight function is so worth the extra $.

      •   -   07/25/2018

        I totally agree Erynn! And ours made it through three kids so it was worth the money.

  •   -   06/04/2018

    We were fortunate enough to have every single one of these items gifted to us or handed down with our first child. Now that baby number 2 is on the way, the only thing we really NEED is a double stroller. I had no clue those things were so ridiculously expensive! I could buy a used car for the same amount!!

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