Have you jumped on the elderberry train??

Elderberry syrup is all the rage right now, especially this time of the year when everyone is sick! Do you give your kids elderberry, or make your own syrup?

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  •   -   01/22/2019

    I never heard of this, but it sounds delicious. We need a list of favorite cold remedies.

  •   -   01/21/2019

    My mother-in-law bought us everything we need to make elderberry syrup & gummies and taught us how to make it when she was here over the holidays. It is easy to make, tastes great, and seems to be working. The downside for me is that the ingredients are expensive (although I'm guessing we save some $ making it on our own).

  •   -   01/22/2019

    We recently switched from just doing daily vitamin C to doing an elderberry product (store bought!) and it seems to be helping ward off illness. Fingers crossed it works, and I'm hoping to make our own next time!

  •   -   01/23/2019

    It's not something we've used much in our house, but my mother-in-law swears by it. I've seen a bunch of recipes to make your own in the instant pot, maybe it's something I'll have to try out.

    •   -   01/24/2019

      I heard there's an instant pot recipe too, and I've been thinking about getting one- this being one of the reasons I want one!

  •   -   01/25/2019

    I am definitely interested in learning more about this. Our son recently got over the LONGEST. COLD. EVER. I'm interested in anything that could help us not do that again. :)

    •   -   01/25/2019

      We are still in the throws of the longest cough/cold, going on over a month now and I think we’re all going to go insane. Poor thing can’t stop coughing all night :( I really hope the elderberry helps ward off any future viruses!!

  •   -   01/23/2019

    I have heard of this, but never used it. I'm all for keeping kids healthy in the winter!

  •   -   02/18/2019

    I've been giving it to my kids pretty regularly this winter and we did have a better fall than usual and actually my oldest hasn't been sick much, but it's hard to tell why the change. My younger 2 have definitely been sick, but I figure it can't hurt, and hopefully it helps a little bit! I buy a liquid concentrate from Amazon, which is more economical than the gummies or sugary syrups.

    •   -   02/24/2019

      What’s the amazon liquid concentrate called? I’m spending too much money on syrup!

      •   -   02/25/2019

        NOW Elderberry Liquid. I give my kids a half dose because it's so concentrated.

  •   -   01/21/2019

    I haven't heard of it but will definitely look into it, especially if it's good for staying healthy!

    •   -   01/21/2019

      I've heard crazy stories of moms using it preventatively and their kids not being sick this whole winter. My daughter on the other hand has been sick nonstop since October. I'm considering making my own!

  •   -   01/24/2019

    I'm 2 days in to giving it to my daughter. I'll be sure to update everyone on if it works!

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